BGP HERstory: Sarah’s Pulpit Appeal

From anonymity to being known as “TD Jakes daughter” to being set apart, Sarah Jakes Roberts pulpit ascent is no mistake or by luck- it is God’s grace in action.
She began preaching and building One Church LA, now the Potter’s House LA, with her husband Toure Roberts, by being transparent and vulnerable in her teaching.
Nothing is off limits from teenage motherhood, to marriage, purpose, and even wigs. Due to her candid and often humorous preaching style, people from all over have been impacted.Sarah is your best friend, favorite auntie, and confidant all rolled in one. We see this through not only her sermons, but also her books, podcast and women’s conference Woman Evolve.
Sarah is following in her father's foot steps, yet managing to forge a path of her own along the way.. Despite having flaws, Sarah owns each and every one to highlight the grace of God in her life. We can’t wait to see what the future has in store for her.
Read: Proverbs 31:30 NIV “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Author: Charell Strong
Follow Charell: @itsthebackpew and @charelliam
Favorite Scripture: Matthew 6:19-21